Sunday, August 13, 2023

Having an non-partisan Judiciary and an impartial Election Commission , is a perfect recipe for a Healthy Democracy . A shining example is the potentially volatile Pakistan , has had some sort of sanity , because its Supreme Court , which has managed to give the people a government not headed by an Army General . On the other hand our other neighbour Burma is still under Dictatorship , thanks to the dismantling of its Judiciary and EC systematically by the Army Generals .The elections conducted by the army had elected Aung Saun Suu Kyi , not once or twice but several times , unfortunately she was thrown behind bars on flimsy excuses by the regime that does not want a civilian government . The biggest threat to a democracy is the lust for power , and any leader who hints at unbridled power and unlimited tenure at the helm , can take decisions that will neutralise the role of the CJ and EC . India has had a bad experience and experimenting with ‘Emergency’ considered a blot on our Democracy . Fortunately the people of India united to shake off ‘Emergency’ and its perpetrators . Almost a decade back social activist ‘Anna Hazare’ caught the nations imagination and unbelievable support of the public , when he started a crusade against the UPA government for trying to tinker with the Constitution . India’s quest for Freedom accelerated after the Quit India Movement and again the unity of the nation , over unconstitutional methods of the East India Company , surprised the English Regime ..Indian Judiciary is in its purest form , thanks to an agile SC and the people have high hopes on the third pillar of the society which has been acting vigilantly and judiciously ..By removing the CJ from the three member committee , that will select or nominate the Central EC is grave mistake and a Himalayan blunder of the Centre (BJP) ..The argument put up by the party leaders at various Press conferences or the public arguments of BJP leaders and supporters is not all convincing . India is a fast developing country , and a buoyant democracy , to sustain it we need constitutionally elected leaders and not a propped up dictator in future . The efforts to dilute the CEC by removing the role of the CJI in its nomination process is a ‘red flag’ , and the nation is not amused ..

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Narendra Modi’s nearly two hours reply to the No Confidence Motion , brought by the Opposition (INDIA) , was more about optics , sloganeering and party politics ..The Prime Minister went all out against the Opposition , targeting the Congress Party and the Gandhi Family in particular ..In the last 9 years , Narendra Modi as a speaker at various forum has been exceptional , brilliant outstanding and excellent  ..Like his predecessor from the BJP to the post of PM Atal Behari Vajpayee , the speeches of Narendra Modi had an aura and the nation believed him ..But this seems to have changed and yesterday I had the opportunity to hear almost the entire part , and was greatly disappointed ..My disappointment stems from the belief that the Prime Minister avoided the crux of the discussion ‘Manipur Ethnic Violence’ and spoke more about the forthcoming General Elections ..I was interested to know if the Government had plans to stop the ongoing violence , and if at all the CM should be replaced ..The people of the country are keenly watching , the strategy of containing a Majority versus Minority population fight for survival ..the nation wanted to know why the ethnic confrontation has become a regular conflict in NE states and many more ..My guess is the BJP Government does not have a solution to the ongoing conflict and the local politics is pulling them down ..The Central leadership of the BJP is apprehensive that any solution to the ethnic violence , may boomerang on the party in other adjoining steps ..Narendra Modiji seemed a bit shaken by the conglomerate of opposition named INDIA , and he went hammer and tongs against the same ..Was there a streak of fear , that the upcoming November Elections to the six states including MP and Rajasthan , may see the opposition gaining a foothold in North and Central India ..The debate can go on , and the ruling party with a mammoth majority in the Parliament could have used the opportunity better ..Comparatively on the Day2 of the debate , the reply by Home Minister Amit Sahaji was more lively and the discussion positive ..

Monday, July 17, 2023

June 18th , 2023 will be an important date in the Political History of the country , and also an important date in contemporary politics . The NDA led by the BJP will be having a conclave of its allies in New Delhi  , and it is learnt that the party in power has brought in 38 parties , mainly smaller parties into its fold . The UPA led by the Congress is having its Conclave at Benguluru , and around 26 parties are getting together to put up a joint fight against the Bharatiya Janata Party . A matter of significance is the absence of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD)  from both the conclaves , thereby underlining the fact , that the party has yet to take a stand on the issue of fighting the 2024 elections alone or with an ally . The YSRP of Andhra Pradesh and the BRS of Telengana state have also decided to skip the two political jamborees . With the General Elections approaching fast , the ruling dispensation at the Centre , which is aiming for a third straight term , has the added advantage of being in power , and also the charismatic Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lead from the front . Can the oppistion parties get their calculations right and can they gel before the next polls is the question being asked by one and all ..Coming to Odisha politics , it is advantage BJD which has already got itself into a political mode .The Biju Janata Dal is the only party in the state , which has probably got its candidates ready in almost 100 seats , and 47  candidates remain to be selected . The BJD led by Naveen Patnaik , is on the front foot thanks to a fragmented opposition , and a lack of a personality who can meet the charisma of the Odisha CM .It is important to note here that for the first time the 5T Secretary , will be the cynosure of all eyes . V K Pandian , who claims to be representing the Chief Minister and has toured almost all Districts , has still got a few aces up his sleeves and he has the sate administration and the party right under his thumb .While the media has already started speculating as to if Naveen Patnaik will pass on the baton of the party leadership (read CM) to someone else after the polls , there are also rumour of a new Formula put in place , to keep the opposition at bay . The BJP will be flexing its muscles  and raring to go ,and this is possible only  if they get the green signal from the Central Command to go all out against the BJD .

Sunday, July 16, 2023


The recent Opposition Conclave at Patna attended by around 32 political parties , including the Congress brings back memories of the 1978-79 , Jaya Prakash Narayans call for the people to fight the Emergency . At that meeting thousands of people assembled at Patna , voluntarily and many leaders like Chandra Sekhar , George Fernades , Mulayan Singh Yadhav , Lallu Prasad Yadhav etc were born out of this historic agitation .The recent convention , was more sophisticated in nature and the political leaders discussed their strategy away from the public glare .Elections in India has geographical impact and regional parties have a greater role in the political sphere . It is not missed that leaders of three important regional parties namely Biju Janata Dal (Odisha) , BRS (Telengana) , YRSP (AP) have disassociated themselves from the Opposition Conclave or the Third Front . These states have around 50 to 55 seats , which could be crucial in the next General Elections for the BJP and the Opposition .In the present scenario Congress party is weak in Odisha and AP and can be in third position in Telengana . The Opposition parties have their own pulls and push , in various states and this was magnified when the Delhi Unit and the Punjab unit of the party are still antagonistic over the rise of the Aam Admi Party (AAP) .

My question here is can the Opposition leaders , who have no love lost amongst themselves , gel together and put up a honest united front . Can the opposition leaders manage their State Units , who have their own power formula and equations , locally for their own survival .


Many people are under the impression that the former Chief Secretary of Odisha and newly indicted Congress leader Mr Bijaya Patnaik , may choose to start his political innings from the Paralakhemundi Assembly Segment ..a few Congress leaders are busy in trying to harp on the issue , saying that if the former Chief Secretary Mr Patnaik decides to contest on a Congress ticket ,from Paralakhemundi Seat he will win handsomely ..I hope sanity prevails and Mr Bijaya Patnaik , does his groundwork properly before deciding to contest from the prestigious Unreserved Paralakhemundi Assembly segment ..Once considered a Congress Citadel , the Congress lost the seat in 2009 before winning it back in 2014 , but came up croppers in the 2019 General Elections ..A brief political introspection is sufficient to prove that the BJD and the BJP have taken over the solid vote base of the Congress here ..It is only in the Tribal dominated Gumma Block the Congress still has some fire power left , but if the recent Gram Panchayat Elections of 2022 are analysed it will prove that the BJD has managed to gain over the voters who one were dedicated for the Grand Old Party ..The Hand symbol which had symbolised with the Gumma Block , is a far distant cry from its old self ..A lot of senior leaders of the Congress Party have passed or have retired from active politics ..Naveen Patnaik’s Welfare Scheme has attracted the rural voters in all parts of the state and the three rural Blocks of the Paralakhemundi Assembly Segment is no exception ..If the former CS Mr Bijaya Patnaik , really wants to contest from Paralakhemundi he has to come and set the Congress house in order ..the Party does not have a leader who can attract voters and a few leaders who are still with the Congress Party have limited pocket votes and even limited appeal ..The biggest drawback for the Congress in Odisha has been to find a leader who can match the charisma of Narendra Modiji or Naveen Patnaik ji ..thereby lays the dilemma for the Congress who , if they want to get back the past glory ,have to start rebuilding the party from the grassroot level here ..


I was closely watching the  Gram Panchayat Elections in West Bengal , namely for two reasons .One to see if the efforts of the main opposition BJP to create a picture of violence and lawlessness would be accepted by the people of West Bengal and number two to understand if the Welfare Schemes and Projects of the Mamata Benarjee Government has made an impact on the poor and BPL voters . The Trinamool Congress (TMC) , led by the effervescent and dynamic Mamata Benerjee has managed to keep her party ten feet ahead of the BJP .The Central Government had tried every trick in the book to bog down Didi (Mamata Benerjee) , including using the Governor of West Bengal to gain brownie points and have failed miserably . Politics in West Bengal has a lot of resemblance to the Politics in Odisha , and the two regional parties have the BJP as their main opponent in their respective states . Naveen Patnaik , the unquestionable  mass leader of Odisha and is a Brand in itself , whose political manoeuvring  has become legendary and an objective lesson in political assiduousness  . What Mamata Benerjee has been doing since 2011 , when her party displaced the Left Party from power , BJD led by Naveen Patnaik has been doing similarly since 1999 ..BJD came to power sidelining the Congress and has concentrated in managing contact with the public , almost on day to day basis ..Now discussing contemporary  politics ,a brief dissection of the TMC strategy of storming back to power in the 2021 Assembly and 2023 Panchayat elections has a similar resemblance to Biju Janata Dal political astuteness . Maintain mass contact and popularising the Brand Naveen has clicked with the voters. In the 2022 GP elections BJD has swept the polls winning all the 30 ZP President posts and taking over the Samity Chairman of 85% of the posts that was in contest. BJD like the TMC has been a vote guzzler even in the By-Elections with a win ration of 95% . The well-oiled political machinery of the TMC and the BJD have a similar trait, and the party President is the mascot that has not shown any signs fatigue, weariness or lassitude.

The BJD like the TMC is well ahead of its opponents and the upcoming Assembly Elections (if it is held in November or June next year) will be inconsequential as many political pundits have already given their verdict of the BJD winning comfortably. The big question here is will the opposition manage to keep the BJD below the 100 seat mark …

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Plight of farmers in the age of plenty ..


It was extremely sad and tumultuous to read an article about farmers in Western Odisha destroying their cabbage crops on the field , as there is no market for the same . At present due to high yield of the culliflower (phoola kobi) , producers are forced to sell them to retailers at Rs 2.00 per kg . Cabbages require investments , namely for pesticides , and labour and when the market rates crashes , producers are doomed . In the past we have seen tomato and brinjal growers also , destroying their hard earned produce as there is no rate in the market and no place to store ….Farmers are the backbone of the country , says every lawmaker and we are all acquainted with the “Jai Jawan , Jai Kisan” slogan ..Pitiably there is no scheme or project to protect the financial interest of the agriculturists , who should be respected and honored for the hard labor they undertake …I daily see small time farmers carrying more than a quintal of culliflower , brinjal , tomatoe , etc on their broad shoulders , and selling the same getting 500.00 to 600.00 per day ..these small time farmers are now unable to get even 300.00 per day thanks to the price crash ..The Government has wonderful policies to support agriculturist , But Where is It ??? Our MLA , MP’s and ZP members all come from farming community or farming families , but they forget their own background once they get into the power lobby …Issues are raised in the Assembly and Parliament , only for cosmetic purpose ….Where are the much hyped Cold Storage facility ??? We have money to build huge buildings , hostels , religious places but when it come to construction of Cold Storage facilities we get cold feet …