Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Plight of farmers in the age of plenty ..


It was extremely sad and tumultuous to read an article about farmers in Western Odisha destroying their cabbage crops on the field , as there is no market for the same . At present due to high yield of the culliflower (phoola kobi) , producers are forced to sell them to retailers at Rs 2.00 per kg . Cabbages require investments , namely for pesticides , and labour and when the market rates crashes , producers are doomed . In the past we have seen tomato and brinjal growers also , destroying their hard earned produce as there is no rate in the market and no place to store ….Farmers are the backbone of the country , says every lawmaker and we are all acquainted with the “Jai Jawan , Jai Kisan” slogan ..Pitiably there is no scheme or project to protect the financial interest of the agriculturists , who should be respected and honored for the hard labor they undertake …I daily see small time farmers carrying more than a quintal of culliflower , brinjal , tomatoe , etc on their broad shoulders , and selling the same getting 500.00 to 600.00 per day ..these small time farmers are now unable to get even 300.00 per day thanks to the price crash ..The Government has wonderful policies to support agriculturist , But Where is It ??? Our MLA , MP’s and ZP members all come from farming community or farming families , but they forget their own background once they get into the power lobby …Issues are raised in the Assembly and Parliament , only for cosmetic purpose ….Where are the much hyped Cold Storage facility ??? We have money to build huge buildings , hostels , religious places but when it come to construction of Cold Storage facilities we get cold feet …




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