Saturday, December 30, 2017

Smart Phones , bane or boon....

It may sound a bit bizarre and unfounded , it is a fact that even today I use Keypad mobile phone . As a student I had great obsession for electronic gadgets like computer games , calculators , memory tabs , hand held computer games ,cordless phones , CD players and till recently mobile phones etc . I must have spent a fortune in my passion to own the latest electronic gadget , and it was probably four years back  I came across an article penned by a popular scientist who said that mobile phones will become the bane and curse for  the society . Detailing the rationale , he explained that despite everyone knowing that the radiation from the ‘Cell’ is harmful it has become an extension of our life . I took the article very seriously , and have curbed my usage of mobile , especially smart-phone sets. Today the mobile for me is an instrument to receive or send calls . Unfortunately not many people and friends subscribe to my views and thoughts , rather they argue that I am too traditional and irrational .I have not dared to rake up this subject with the young generation , lest they heckle me and call me ‘mad’ . One thing I have found out that after discarding my Android phone , I now have  a lot of time to read , write , converse etc . My Whatsup  and Facebook is less populated , and my Twitter handle lacks credibility while I have not taken up Instagram , Hike etc to name a few . For me it is more sense if one is more human and less of a Robot , and the sight of people pondering and pouring over their Smart phone sets at all improbable places , makes me pity them . What worries me is that , the over usage of the Smart phone sets has led to abnormal rise schizophrenia , migraine , short sightedness , hallucination , phobia etc .Anyway on the eve of the New Year 2018 , I thought that let me share this with friends and well wishers . Once more let us bid adieu to 2017 passionately .

Indian Army , too good for the Pakis..

 In a rare and defining moment , on the night of the Christmas a selected team of the Indian Army crossed the LOC , attacked a Pakistani position and killed four to eight enemy soldiers . This was a reply to the ceasefire violation by the Pakistani troops who killed a Major and three Indian soldiers . India believes in peace , harmony , amity but we have now made it clear that our soldiers will not take Pakistan’s overture by remaining quite . The response was a clear indication of the India Governments decision that there is shift in our thoughts and it will be an “ Eye for an Eye” .The strikes that was conducted on the night of 25th Dec was precise , non provocative and above all proved the superiority of the Indian Army . It makes me remember a dialogue of a Hindi Cinema I had seem a few years back when Sunny Deol as a Major in the film says to his Pakistani counterpart “ if the population of India urinate, Pakistan will be flooded” . Why I am deliberating on this , it makes me really sad when a defence personnel is killed on duty . We are at peace with all neighbouring countries , but Pakistan continues to be pricking us just to ferment trouble and keep us busy . The Prime Minister Narendra Modiji , did his best to manage patience and restrain and now India will strike back . I am happy that the change in our External Policies , augurs well as far as meeting the challenges of the countries enemies . The message is loud and clear to the entire world , Indian Army is the Best . Happy New Year ..     
                         The Peoples (Lok) Utsav , revisiting the Gajapati Utsav ....pride of the District ,

Gajapati Utsav , since its inception in 2001 has had held the pride of place as a leading cultural festival of this District . After the state government set up a policy to have District Level festivals , almost all the Districts of the state have their own cultural fests , and some like the Mandei Pareba  etc have made a reputations for themselves . Lok Utsav as the cultural festival is now popularly called , has ably showcased the efforts of the government in various spheres , and is also a very big forum to interact with the public . Gajapati Utsav along with the block level Utsav , has been extremely popular because there are a very few such cultural activities for this district . As far as one can recollect , the largest number of people gathering in this town is the Gajapati Utsav after the Rath Yatra . Previously the Utsav was organised at the SKCG College Ground , and with the lack of  space and the unhelpful attitude of the college authorities , the same has been shifted to the Gajapati Stadium . The Gajapati Utsav has been very close to the heart of the people of this district because of the close involvement of the mainstream public in the various affairs of the Lok Utsav . Right from the Panchayat Level where various cultural troupes come to the Block to participate in the programme , to the District Level there is total participation . It may be unbelievable to see the large crowds that turn out for the Block Utsav where the functions go on into the early morning of the next day . The local BDO , Tahsidar , Block Chairman and the other officials of the block get so much involved in this jamboree , it is to be seen to be believed . Similarly Gajapati Utsav has become a folklore and its history is now embedded with many interesting happenings . This is an event where the public has an excess to the several officers , and the cooperation of the public and administration has been the success ‘mantra’ of the Gajapati Utsav . I have been very closely and fervently associated with the past Utsav’s and laud the efforts of the various District Collectors who have toiled hard for the event . This year the Gajapati Utsav which is being reintroduced again , after a gap of three years , will be a resounding success no doubt . The District administration will find a big platform , to showcase the several government programmes for the general mass , and the cultural events will be the most popular events . Gajapati District has a rich heritage of culture namely tribal dance and songs . Unfortunately the artists from the rural areas get very little scope to harness their talent , and the Gajapati Utsav gives them an opportunity to exhibit their flair and genius before a large gathering . A tribal boy from the far flung Aliganda village of the Mohona Block or a girl from the Rayagada Block , will find the opportunity to dance or sing before an unimaginable crowd . Similarly the Palishree Mela should owe its success to the Gajapati Utsav cultural events . Without the culture programmes , there will be practically no gathering as the organisers of the Mela have found out in the last three years . The Pali Shree Melas , turned out to be damp squib and the stall sales dipped because there was very limited footfall at the ground . The most memorable moments of the previous Utsavs have been the closing ceremony , where finale will witness the District administration , organisers and the members of the public dancing together to the popular modern tunes , waiting for the next Utsav with all optimism . The never dying spirit of Gajapati is showcased in this Utsav , where people enjoy for three continuous days .
Debashis Padhi ,Journalist ,Cell- 9437176353 , .