Saturday, December 30, 2017

Smart Phones , bane or boon....

It may sound a bit bizarre and unfounded , it is a fact that even today I use Keypad mobile phone . As a student I had great obsession for electronic gadgets like computer games , calculators , memory tabs , hand held computer games ,cordless phones , CD players and till recently mobile phones etc . I must have spent a fortune in my passion to own the latest electronic gadget , and it was probably four years back  I came across an article penned by a popular scientist who said that mobile phones will become the bane and curse for  the society . Detailing the rationale , he explained that despite everyone knowing that the radiation from the ‘Cell’ is harmful it has become an extension of our life . I took the article very seriously , and have curbed my usage of mobile , especially smart-phone sets. Today the mobile for me is an instrument to receive or send calls . Unfortunately not many people and friends subscribe to my views and thoughts , rather they argue that I am too traditional and irrational .I have not dared to rake up this subject with the young generation , lest they heckle me and call me ‘mad’ . One thing I have found out that after discarding my Android phone , I now have  a lot of time to read , write , converse etc . My Whatsup  and Facebook is less populated , and my Twitter handle lacks credibility while I have not taken up Instagram , Hike etc to name a few . For me it is more sense if one is more human and less of a Robot , and the sight of people pondering and pouring over their Smart phone sets at all improbable places , makes me pity them . What worries me is that , the over usage of the Smart phone sets has led to abnormal rise schizophrenia , migraine , short sightedness , hallucination , phobia etc .Anyway on the eve of the New Year 2018 , I thought that let me share this with friends and well wishers . Once more let us bid adieu to 2017 passionately .

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